MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

MHA Teacher Mid-Year Training 2016

MHA mid Teacher Training


Join us for a mid-year training event, open to all interested MHA teachers and language learners. Similar to the MHA Summer Institute, this workshop will focus on the new Level 1 and Level 2 textbooks for Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara.

Sponsored by NHS College (Native American Studies Department), the MHA Language Project, MHA Dept. of Education and The Language Conservancy, the MHA Teacher Mid-Year Training offers an intensive course in second-language teaching methodologies in Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara—a course essential to successful MHA language instruction.

Contact Bernadine Young Bird with any questions:

TEL: (701) 627-4738 ext. 291
CELL: (701) 421-1696


The MHA Mid-Year training was a great success, with about 15 participants and 3 instructors. Thanks to all who attended and all the teachers and staff who helped put this event together! We are all looking forward to the Summer Institute in June!

MHA Mid-Year 2016 Group


MHA Mid-Year 2016